is not affiliated with or endorsed by Husqvarna Group.

"We demand that you immediately disable all content hosted at and allow the domain name to expire." —Husqvarna AB

About was created to document widespread problems with Husqvarna chainsaws, and to call attention to Husqvarna's attempts to silence online criticism.

Husqvarna has tried three different times to take down with legal bullying tactics and baseless legal threats.

Many people in online forums mentioned similar problems with brand new Husqvarna chainsaws, as well as Husqvarna's refusal to address these issues.

Rather than handling customers' existing problems, Husqvarna quietly released Mark II versions of their chainsaws.

When they saw online, they attempted to get it taken down with two questionable abuse reports with its web host, and a baseless infringement notice.

Despite the well-established legality of websites used to criticize corporations, Husqvarna stated: "We demand that you immediately disable all content hosted at and allow the domain name to expire."