is not affiliated with or endorsed by Husqvarna Group.

"We demand that you immediately disable all content hosted at and allow the domain name to expire." —Husqvarna AB Takedown Attempts: Abuse Reports

Below is Husqvarna's attempt at taking down this website by filing a questionable abuse report. It was sent to Amazon Web Services, the web host of, on June 18th, 2021, and then again on July 17th, 2021.

Amazon Web Services did not grant Husqvarna's request to remove or disable access to

Dear Internet Service Provider,

As you may know, Husqvarna AB is the owner of numerous brands and corresponding trademark rights, including HUSQVARNA word trademark and related logotype trademarks (see attached).

Husqvarna AB also owns copyright to numerous images, videos, and other original artistic works.

As you are no doubt aware, the above mentioned trademarks and copyright works are used to identify, advertise and promote Husqvarna AB's products and activities.

It is not allowed to use Husqvarna AB trademarks or copyright content without its consent.

Husqvarna AB has a good faith belief that the website(s) found at infringes the rights of Husqvarna AB by using its copyrighted image(s) and/or trademarks(s) ("Infringing Material") without Husqvarna AB's consent.

Husqvarna AB has not authorized your customer to use the Infringing Material.


Accordingly, we hereby request that you immediately remove or disable access to the Infringing Material at the following URL(s):

We are providing this notice in good faith and with the reasonable belief that Husqvarna AB's rights are being infringed.

We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief that the information contained in this notification is both true and accurate, and that we have the authority to act on behalf of Husqvarna AB.

We appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue. Please do not hesitate to contact us, should you have any questions or require additional information.

Yours sincerely,
Husqvarna AB Brand Protection Service