is not affiliated with or endorsed by Husqvarna Group.

"We demand that you immediately disable all content hosted at and allow the domain name to expire." —Husqvarna AB Takedown Attempts: Infringement Notice

Below is Husqvarna's third attempt at taking down this website, by sending an infringement notice containing baseless legal claims. It was sent on July 20th, 2021. Husqvarna demanded that all content hosted at be disabled immediately, and the domain name be allowed to expire.

Dear Sir or Madam,

This is our second attempt to contact you regarding your unauthorized use of the domain name.

As we indicated in our previous email, Husqvarna AB is the owner of numerous brands and corresponding trademark rights (see attached).

You registered the domain name without Husqvarna AB’s permission or authorization. The domain name includes the registered Husqvarna AB’s trademark(s) or its variation. This unauthorized use of Husqvarna AB’s intellectual property rights could falsely suggest Husqvarna AB’s sponsorship or endorsement of your website.

We demand that you immediately disable all content hosted at and allow the domain name to expire.

We expect to receive your response indicating the actions you have taken to resolve this matter within 5 business days.

If we do not receive an acceptable response by the deadline stated above, Husqvarna AB may consider to take any available legal measures to protect its intellectual property rights without further notice.

Yours sincerely,

Husqvarna AB Brand Protection Service